I am not at all a disciplined person. I make lists of things 'to do' and forget them often finding a list months later with the same projects waiting attention-sewing, mending, gardening projects, contacting people, writing a Journal, blogging (!) DIY and so on- all these stay in some pile waiting attention with all those other files of papers not read or written!
As I get older and less fit I am at last realising that I must exercise regularly for health. A couple of falls this year have taken me to A&E more than once and now I am really doing my shoulder and balance exercises under the orders of my physiotherapists. What is good is the follow up where I am tested to see if I have been doing my homework! I plan now to keep these up as well as I can and to climb Blackford Hill at last once a week. The Physio gave us a list to be ticked each day when we had completed the exercises. I've decided to try and do the same for other disciplines but which ones? Should I make a list of lists (and then lose it)? Trouble is the longer the list of things to be done the less likely that any will be completed!
Setting priorities starts with Spiritual exercises -but again which ones. I was instructed as a young Christian that I should have a daily QT (Quiet Time) which I think was mainly Bible reading and intercession for others. There are of course lots of tools published to help one to do this and I have had many in my time but I never managed to keep it up. Now I move between a number of different approaches and sometimes events just take over.
A while back now I yelled my despair at God on my way to work- 'I'm useless at this' I told Him 'and You know me only too well- You take over' and to my relief He did. I've had a much closer relationship with my Father in the Spirit of Jesus and learned to let Him take control to have faith, to trust-
But if I have to commit to physical exercises for my physical health how much more should I be committed to Spiritual exercises-
I am constantly needing renewal on these, a new start-and I've just remembered that I was once in a small Renovare group- there at least we were encouraged to work at the six disciplines and encourage each other on this journey -perhaps I can find one or two to share this journey with me again.
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