Friday 6 April 2012

The Way of Service

I'm just re-reading a superb book about living alone by Martin Israel. I say re-reading because I think I must have read, and forgotten, judging by occassional pencil underlinings!

I was particularly struck this morning by his comments about the way of service and how important it is that we are open to the love of God and do not try to love a person 'off our own bat'.
He says that ' the way of service that initiates a true healing ministry is ---laid down in the first verses of Isaiah 61. Good news is brought to the poor and humble, that they may count as people, that God cares for them. The initial proof of God's care is the love that flows out to them from the minister of healing. We love because God loved us first, and the love of God is transmitted from ourselves, whom we must first love with all our defects and inadequacies, to those around us. It must be stressed that love cannot be manufactured; it is a free gift from God. If I try to love a person I will inevitably condescend to him, and my affection will have a palpably unreal quality. Soon the object of my 'love' will wince at my approach, while I will find that I really despise him..--' 

From Martin Israel LIVING ALONE the inward journey to fellowship p 106
published in The New Library of Pastoral Care by SPCK

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